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About Us

"Life Begins With Production"

Dear business partners, stakeholders and dear colleagues, Metal Fabrika Metal Mold Industry Ltd Ltd Sti. 40th anniversary behind. Guided by our values, today we are proudly representing our country all over the world, with our strong and innovative production approach, with our valuable employees, we overcome all challenging targets by saying "Life begins with production" and crown our efforts with successful results.

The year 2020 was spent in the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, which deeply shook the whole world. Starting from China at the beginning of the year and rapidly spreading to almost all of the world, we continued our activities in order to ensure sustainability in production and employment during the Covid-19 process, the effects of which we deeply felt in all vital areas, especially in the economy.

We supported the fight against the virus across the country and stood by our official institutions and organisations and healthcare professionals. While conducting our current business, our focus was always on employee health and safety. We fulfilled our responsibilities towards our employees and our country by following the guidelines of the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye and took additional measures.

In this period, we did not experience any decline in our business processes except for the logistical slowdowns during the periods when the borders were closed. We achieved this because of our flexible and agile structure and strong risk management.

Metal Fabrika Metal Mold Industry Ltd Ltd Sti. we have created an ecosystem that will enable our business partners and stakeholders to quickly meet their needs in both the supply chain and digital infrastructure areas, while continuing to contribute to our country's economy in this challenging process with our unique risk management structure, preparedness for crises and financial strength.

The pandemic has benefited us in terms of rapidly rebuilding our businesses and accelerating digitalization. In line with our principles of reliability, accuracy, diligence and innovation, we had no difficulty in finding our direction in this difficult period that the whole world was going through. In 2022, we will continue our way with the same strength and determination to work.

Ahmet Tosun

Metal Fabrika Metal Mold Industry Ltd Ltd Sti.

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