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Fields Of Activity

Industrial Industry

Metal Fabrika   Industrial machines are auxiliary machines used in industry and production. While the tasks of industrial machines can sometimes be simple, sometimes they are preferred to be used for high-effort jobs that cannot be done by humans.

It may be possible to roughly group industrial machinery, which comes in many different types. Works that could previously be done by manual labor and manpower have become much faster and easier thanks to industrial machinery. Careful selection of these machines used in the industry, which is the most important wheel of production activities, is extremely important in terms of the course of the work and its disruption.

Our company is to keep our quality control and management system at a level to fully fulfill ISO and CE standards, to provide the necessary controls at the highest level in all processes, and to create our own quality standard when necessary and to carry the conditions and results one step further. We produce parts with high technical capacity that can manufacture complex parts in different geometries, minimize the error rate and increase profitability, and meet special and very flexible production needs.

Industrial machines with which engineering work is carried out;

1 • Forklift and lever groups

2 • Cleaning machines

3 • Compressors

4 • Generators

5 • Road shaping and asphalt machines

6 • Construction equipment (excavators, backhoe loaders, dozers, graders, dump trucks)

7 • Grain sieving plant machines

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