Metal Fabrika   Metal Fabrika   Metal Fabrika   Metal Fabrika   Metal Fabrika  



Metal Sheet Forming Technology

Metal Fabrika  is one of the industry's foremost processes for the forming of metals. If we consider that the metals that we know are needed for the use of all sectors are shaped and processed, we can grasp the importance of this operation.

The objective of the application of metal forming processes is to have knowledge about the strength of the materials used, to understand what we will encounter when forming metals and to be informed about the general characteristics of metals. Today, there are continuous developments in the field of metal.

In parallel with these developments, the materials used in industry are constantly changing. In order to make ourselves competent in this field and to have sufficient knowledge about the mechanical components of our industry, we must constantly conduct research and closely follow the scientific studies carried out in this field.

What we have practiced in metal forming has given us the basic knowledge to shape metals in industry. It will help you in the repair and production phase that you will encounter in the later stages. The application of basic metal forming techniques has also provided our company with knowledge about the strength of metals, thus improving our ability to make decisions about the strength of materials and their applications.

Sheet metal forming processes require in-plane tensile forces and lower forces than bulk forming. Almost all sheet metal forming processes are considered secondary operations.


There are many manufacturing technologies and manufacturing processes in the metalworking industry; forming, abrading, coating, etc. This guide covers machining and washing processes within the metalworking industry.

In machining processes, the machined part is formed by removing metal from the raw body with inserts. This includes cutting, turning, peeling, drilling with a certain geometric cutting form, as well as grinding, lapping and honing operations without any geometric cutting form.

Shaping is carried out by removing metal layers with inserts from the metal body to be processed. Mineral oils and oil emulsions are used as coolants for surface treatment with cutting tools with a specific geometric shape, as well as for grinding and honing without a specific geometric shape.

The main tasks of these coolants are; cooling of the workpiece and cutting tool, extending the life of the cutting tool, increasing the lubricity of the cutting surface, removing the chips and metal dust from the process surface, optimizing the surface of the workpiece for the process, protecting the part against corrosion.

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